Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) appliance Silent Nite

Many people suffer from poor sleep and snoring.  These disruptive breathing patterns at night such as snoring are not only are bothersome to the patient but also can be a real problem for their spouse.  This condition is referred to as obstructive sleep apnea or OSA.  Apnea is simply a medical term which means "no breath".   In simple terms there is an obstruction to easy, normal and spontaneous breathing which we all take for granted.  When we sleep musculature around our lower face neck/ jaw and tongue areas relax causing our jaws and tongue and the soft tissues around the mouth to fall back towards our airway.  Trying to breathe when we are asleep with our airway partially closed or obstructed is difficult and that causes snoring and poor sleep as our body tries to fight and breathe.  Poor breathing at night can cause oxygen (O2) saturations to fall and carbon dioxide (CO2) to accumulate.  Some people develop increased blood pressure.  Some risks factors for obstructive sleep apnea or OSA are people with short, thick necks, small or receding lower jaw, smaller mouth and relatively larger tongue and excessive soft tissue around lower face and neck area.  Non invasive therapies that are used are oral appliance therapy and CPAP.  With CPAP or continuous positive pressure ventilation, patient sleeps with a small mask around his/her nose where there is continuous air pressure provided to help get past obstructions while asleep.  Oral appliance therapy such as  Silent Night appliance work by slightly repositioning the lower jaw forward during sleep thus helping to open up the airway.  Patient compliance is always an issue with any kind of therapy.  Oral Appliance Therapy Such as Silent Nite has shown very high compliance and a higher preference over CPAP according to a randomized crossover trial.  

Silent Nite Sleep Appliance is indicated to reduce snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.